The Dynamics Tab contains the following groups:

The dynamics tab is responsible for specialized dynamics that require the user to click on the corresponding note or note range.
The selection group is located on every tab.
Object Select
When selecting this icon, your mouse icon changes to a blue dot. Hover over a note, grace note, rest or dynamic and double click to edit properties, left click to drag to change the note pitch, or left click and drag to move the dynamic. Right click to delete the object.
Measure Select
Click the Measure Select icon to left click and drag a rubber band around music objects. You may also left click and select one or more measures at a time.
Pan Score
Click the Pan Score icon to left click and pan the score.
Symbol Options
Functions responsible for the following symbol options:
Unhide Symbols
When placing symbols on your score, the symbols by default will be visible. Visible symbols will be black.
Hide Symbols
When placing symbols on your score, the symbols by default will be hidden. Hidden symbols will be gray, but will not display when printing to pdf.
Hide Hidden Symbols?
If you do not wish to see the symbols that are hidden, check this checkbox.
Symbol Alignment
Align symbols by None, Staves, Brace or Bracket or Piano (middle of staff)
These special dynamics can’t just be placed on the score directly. They require notes already placed on the score for user action, as described below (except in the instance of the last 2 symbols, the crescendo and diminuendo symbols)
Click on any note in a chord and the arpeggio will automatically be built. An arpeggiated chord is a chord that is rolled with notes played in rapid succession, usually in an ascending order with each note being sustained as the others are played.
Click on a note to insert a mordent above that note. Rapidly plays the principal note, the next higher note (according to key signature) then returns to the principal note for the remaining duration.
A ranged dynamic. Click on the first and last note to complete the trill. A rapid alternation between the specified note and the next higher note (according to key signature).
Click on a note to insert a turn above that note. A sequence of an upper auxiliary note, the principal note, a lower auxiliary note, and a return to the principal note.
Up Slur
A ranged dynamic. Click on the first and last note to complete the up slur. Indicates to play two or more notes in an uninterrupted manner.
Down Slur
A ranged dynamic. Click on the first and last note to complete the down slur.
Octava alta
A ranged dynamic. Click on the first and last note to complete the octava alta. Sets the transposition to +12 semitones starting from that symbol.
Octava bassa
A ranged dynamic. Click on the first and last note to complete the octava bassa. Sets the transposition to -12 semitones starting from that symbol.
A ranged dynamic. Click on the first and last note to complete the accelerando. Increases the tempo progressively during the range.
A ranged dynamic. Click on the first and last note to complete the ritardando. Decreases the tempo progressively during the range.
A ranged dynamic. Click on the first and last note to complete the crescendo. Increases the velocity progressively during the range.
A ranged dynamic. Click on the first and last note to complete the diminuendo. Decreases the velocity progressively during the range.